As I move Metta Wellness into its new space this week, I am guided by the simplicity of change. I went to a Buddhist Temple this weekend, and was given a light, a small candle to sit in front of the Buddha, and as I did I stepped back and observed in calm and full of peace. It was then explained that the candle is a symbol of guidance( as you enter your home at night, you turn on the light, now you can see) this is the candle left behind. Inside you you have that light, and you can clearly see.This was a powerful time, as any change, we fell fear, anxiety and excitement and moving your work is no different. This calm in this move, the candle just reminds you that you have the light to see clearly inside of your self. With this change, I have come to appreciate that vulnerability, in myself and the people around me. As I move forward and move Metta Wellness into our new space, I welcome this change, this is a time to reflect, learn and grow with this change in front of us. ...
Metta Wellness is all about my love of Ayurveda,massage, herbs,meditation and bringing them all to you in a holistic space.Over the years that I have been working, learning and growing, the one that always stands out is the importance of touch.Touch can help heal the body, relax the mind, and balance the body's natural immune response. Adding a few simple things such as herbs, or heat, maybe meditation, then you take your journey for healing to a new space.