Wow! These last two months have been crazy, overwhelming, exciting and powerful. We started this journey in 2005 when I finished and stepped away from massage school and entered the world of holistic healing with massage. Since I finished school I have continued to study, learn and train with different healing modalities from massage, meditation, herbs and always my clients. In 2012 with the closing of Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center, it gave me the push to step out and work for myself. Since 2012 it has been a journey from working with and inside of a meditation center to a wellness space and now moving into my own. From each space, this journey has been so powerful, from the people I have meet, worked with and watched, I have learned so much. Now as I enter into my own, I am so thankful for the journey and the people I have in my life. The support team Metta Wellness has, we have already succeeded, its now time to bring this dream to reality. So what is coming next!...
Metta Wellness is all about my love of Ayurveda,massage, herbs,meditation and bringing them all to you in a holistic space.Over the years that I have been working, learning and growing, the one that always stands out is the importance of touch.Touch can help heal the body, relax the mind, and balance the body's natural immune response. Adding a few simple things such as herbs, or heat, maybe meditation, then you take your journey for healing to a new space.