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Showing posts from February, 2019

Trust in Self

 This has been a practice for me this past year. Learning to trust in self is key to allowing my personal and business to continue to move forward and grow. As we move out of 2018 and are into 2019 , we where welcomed with an incredible lunar eclipse of the blood wolf moon. This is energetically a time to stop and reboot, to speak to your true self. In this past year, I moved my business from one location to another location while opening a second location and launching my herbal business into the public online world. While it is all very exciting and quite the learning (and yes mistakes where made, but those are to learn from also), growing and self expansion. During this growth, I had to learn to trust. Trusting my self, could I do this, how will my clients respond, can I grow enough business and do I have a strong enough support team to make this happen. Well here I am, three  and a half months in, and taking stock in self, that 'Yes" I can do this. Now, I have ...