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Showing posts from March, 2014

Personalized Oils

Personalized Oils I love when a client comes into my space for the first time. I start off, like most massage therapist, with a simple health form, but after that nothing is the same from that point on. That health form is my jumping off point, a warm up, for understanding the goal of each client that comes in the door. A massage with me at Metta Spa(Heather Small) will not only settle the body, relax the muscles, but get you started on your road to a healthier balanced mind body and spirit. One way that I will do that is to create your own personalized oils, allowing you to move forward each time you come in for your massage. Think about it for a moment, we all have some stresses in our lives, work, friends, our partners, kids ,taking care of our homes, each day presents us with a different challenge.The healthier the mind, body spirit connection is, the better off we are to handle the stresses that come our way. Some days are great, and others you cant wait to crawl into bed. ...

March is kapha Season

March is Kapha Season,  so lets welcome in Spring with a few ways to stimulate your Kapha. Try a  stimulating Snack, Tea and Favored Spices for Spring Spicy Pumpkin Seeds: 1cup pumpkin seeds     1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 3 cups water   1/4 tsp cumin      Pinch of salt        1/4 garam marsala In a medium bowl, soak pumpkin seeds in water with salt overnight, up to 7hrs. Soaking of the pumpkin seeds aids in the ease of their digestion, making their nutrients more available to us. Strain pumpkin seeds and lay them out on paper towels( this will absorb the extra water). Preheat oven *170. In medium bowl mix spices well, add pumpkin seeds and toss to coat. Spread evenly on a baking sheet in a single layer. Bake 6 hours, till dry and crisp( I turn oven off and  leave mine in for another 2 hours or overnight, they get nice and crispy) I like to make this in large batches for snacks(due to the amount of t...

Self Love is strength

Self love is strength! Love is a very powerful thing. We have to start with ourselves, the power we have and the power we can create? With all the work I do, no matter the issue it always come back to issues in the self. When we love ourselves this is a strength in our self . We can then easily handle areas of stress and you are then able to move forward with greater self. Stop and think for a moment. All of us, at different times in our life have issues, work, family, kids, finances, friends, but the difference is how we handle these things. These issues will either give us the strength to move forward or hold us back from the person we can become. How we feel about ourselves has so much to do with how we react to our environment and how we impact the people around us. We all come into our world with a different self, a different way of looking at the world, and a different way to react to things. Over time our experiences will encourage, shift, or force us to become the ...