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March is kapha Season

March is Kapha Season, 
so lets welcome in Spring with a few ways to stimulate your Kapha.
Try a  stimulating Snack, Tea and Favored Spices for Spring

Spicy Pumpkin Seeds:
1cup pumpkin seeds     1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
3 cups water   1/4 tsp cumin
     Pinch of salt        1/4 garam marsala

In a medium bowl, soak pumpkin seeds in water with salt overnight, up to 7hrs. Soaking of the pumpkin seeds aids in the ease of their digestion, making their nutrients more available to us.
Strain pumpkin seeds and lay them out on paper towels( this will absorb the extra water).
Preheat oven *170. In medium bowl mix spices well, add pumpkin seeds and toss to coat. Spread evenly on a baking sheet in a single layer. Bake 6 hours, till dry and crisp( I turn oven off and  leave mine in for another 2 hours or overnight, they get nice and crispy)
I like to make this in large batches for snacks(due to the amount of time it takes and store in large glass mason jars for up to two weeks( if they don't eat it all before then!)
Note: this process can be done in a dehydrator
* To reduce pitta: omit cayenne and garam masala.

Chai Tea for Kapha:

1 piece of ginger, peeled
2 cups milk, soy or almond
1 Tbsp fresh brewed Black tea
1  Tbsp raw sugar

Place all ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to just boil, strain and serve immediately.
*To reduce Vata, Pitta: use maple syrup in place of sugar.

I add crushed cardamon pods and whole cloves to my Chai. Explore with the Kapha spices, see which ones work best for you. 

Kapha Favored Herbs:
Kahpa herbs help wake the digestive fires and dry out the congestion and mucous in our membranes after a long winter. It feel good to wake up the system and clear out the congestion we have built up over the winter months.
Ginger: ginger is believed to strengthen and heal the digestive and respiratory system, as well as fight off colds and flu. Ginger removes congestion, soothes sore throats. and relieves body aches.
Cardamon:In Ayurveda medicine, cardamon is said to stimulate the mind and give clarity. Cardamon reduces the air and water elements( the vata and kapha elements), increases appetite(in a good way), and soothes the mucous membrane.
Cloves: Cloves are said to invigorate, restore, and help generate heat in the body, which is especially useful during the cold and flu season.
Nutmeg: Nutmeg adds a rich flavor and helps moisten the airways ad reduce the drying of the mucous membranes and throat, often associated with smoking.


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