Yes, positive becomes positive!
My work as a massage therapist is so much more then just massaging the body, it's about listening to my clients and encouraging a balanced way of life. I find sometimes the simple things like being positive help me and help working with my clients everyday.
Every day we make a choice, to get up and start our day, and what kind of day we will have.Once we step out into the world we then make a choice of how we are going to effect others around us. It seems so simple, but many of use do not take the time to think about this or even consider this into our daily lives.Take a step back, when you are on your way to work, or at the store, your interactions with others will effect how you move forward, it's only fair that your reaction would do the same for another. When your with your group of friends and everyone is having a great time, laughing, talking, being kind to each other, you are more apt to be friendly, laughing, enjoying, its kind of contagious.
The same goes with the negative, if you observe and listen, when a friend, co-worker starts to complain many others will join in or add more to the pot. Think about your morning commute when that other driver cut you off, and you became angry, or a co-worker was frustrated and verbalized this towards you, we all have these daily challenges. You carry this frustration or anger with and then it pours over to other around you.
I find this time of the year can be a challenge to many people, finances are tough, family issues come out, people are lonely, family is far away. Take a moment, reflect on how you would like others to view you, and how you would like to effect their day. You make a choice everyday, how do you want to start your day,and how do you want this to pour over to someone else.
I challenge you to share happiness and be positive with those around you, see how this comes back to you, lets take the time to share a positive. Post it, chat with us on facebook, share how you feel when you are happy and if you see how people respond to you.See if you can make Positive become positive!
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