Reiki is a simple, natural healing method, using your own healing energy to bring balance.This healing energy involves an awakening of the spirit within you and stimulates the healing far beyond.
When I work with clients I find that Reiki comes in as a powerful tool, so what are some of the benefits:
- Relaxed, allowing the mind to calm(moving out the busy chatter of the mind)
- Release, with the mind calm, the body unwinds and releases the stress held in the body
- Self time,self Care: giving back to the self helps keep you in a healthy healing space.
- Immune strength, the body has the natural ability to heal, over time the body builds this streght allowing it to deal with the stress that enter our body and mind.
- Energized. with the mind calm, the body relaxed, you are able to get back to a state of natural balance. The body can focus on a space of healing, bring energy back into the body.
Schedule in your Reiki as part of your regular healing routine to maintain balance and replenish the system.
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