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Showing posts from June, 2017
 Creating a wellness routine starts with you, If you have ever wondered about herbal teas,Thai yoga,or how to add or balance your routine, an herbal consult is a great starting point. Herbal consults are a great way to check in with yourself. We will look at your health history, wellness goals, lifestyle,then at some herbs that may work well for you. At the end of the consult I will email you what we went over and the suggestions that we talked about. You can order your herbs, could be tea, oils, ghee blends from me. Lets set your wellness goals and personalize your herbal kit. Balance inside your routine is the focus at Metta Wellness. Keep reading: Herbal Wellness

Pain Management with Meditation

Study after study is showing that mediation effects pain. This past May the International Ayurveda & Yoga(internal yoga - meditation) Convention was dedicated to pain management, research and what we can do. Lets take a quick overview of what meditation does.         Simply put, mediation help calm the signals to the brain, thus allow the system to calm, over time the body slows down on the signals of "fight or flight", in return decreasing the inflammation the the body. Over time as the inflammation decreases, the pain signals are less and you are able to lower or deal with the pain easier.These results are noticeable in the first few weeks, months, and then after two years of practice. This research shows that over time, adding this into your healing routine builds up the benefits. So how does this connect with massage?          During a relaxation massage your body mind connection is settling, or c...