Good Morning! Yes, starting the day with pranayama then meditation is my key to moving through this hectic world in a calm peace. When I work with my clients I am always looking at ways to find balance in the busy life we live. Starting your day off with pranayama( breathing technique) then into a mediation to start out in the day ready for everything. My meditation is the mantra, So Hum, as I sit and relax, I breath in So out Hum and find myself settling in, the energy balancing out and the thoughts and worries floating away. Find the way to start your day, creating an open space to relax and breath.
Metta Wellness is all about my love of Ayurveda,massage, herbs,meditation and bringing them all to you in a holistic space.Over the years that I have been working, learning and growing, the one that always stands out is the importance of touch.Touch can help heal the body, relax the mind, and balance the body's natural immune response. Adding a few simple things such as herbs, or heat, maybe meditation, then you take your journey for healing to a new space.