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Waking up, feeling energy, openness, clear breath and a calm mind. I have found over the years that a routine, a practice of pranayama and meditation helps me prepare for the day ahead and be able to move through this world without feeling the weight from outside stress.

Start by setting some time aside every morning to focus on you, on waking and entering into this space in a calm open breath. 

What is pranayama? Simply, paranayam is a breathing practice, in this you open the airway allowing for a clear mind, stronger energy and a balance of the spirit with an opening of the third eye.Their are many different kinds of pranayama, try a few and find one that fits your needs, your routine your body - mind. For me I have found the Mrigi Mudra(deer-seal) breathing to connect for me, it was also one of the first techniques I had learned when I started out in Ayurveda.

Mrigi Mudra: it is an alternating breath pattern. Sitting comfortably, bringing the right hand into a relaxed ball / fist,  with thumb and ring finger - start with ring finger, gently close left side of nose - inhale on right(slowly), then release ring finger, closing off right side, exhale from left, inhale and continue to alternate. Start this breathing slowly, 5 times each side to start. After you finish, come back to a relaxed breath, slowly coming into your space. some people can feel light headed after, or dizzy, give your self time to breath back into the body.

Lets take some time and start our day with a clear mind, and a calm heart.

Read More:
Pranayama poses
Beginners Guide
Try a few


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