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New beginnings, New year

From Metta Wellness
As we come to the end of the year, we welcome in a new beginning. This past year has been such an adventure, with much change and growth. Every year I take this time to reflect, on where I am, and  what my life has placed in front of me and  I ask," Am I being my true self, inside( to myself) and to the world".

This is the best time of the year, to take stock in self and set my intentions for myself, my work and look at the new year.

This has been an incredible year for Metta Wellness, the opening of a second location and  the launching of Metta Herbal to local fairs. It has been a year of movement, transformations and learning, about myself and the ones closest to me.

So as we see the end of this year approaching, and enter a new one, its a time of learning, growing and finding balance. I am looking ahead, setting my intentions and taking the time to breath, and find a space of calm in a new year.

#mettawellness #mettaherbal #newyear #newbeginning #intentions


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