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Showing posts from August, 2019

#02 Self-Care

Do something nice for yourself. Sounds easy, right. How often have you given a friend, co-worker or partner some good advise, to only not follow it yourself? It just had this happen this week. My client came in, we were talking about self-care, I had suggested that she take some time and do something nice for herself. The next afternoon, I had a client come in for a massage, when I asked her what brought her in, she said," My body was telling me this is what it needed". She took the time to listen to herself. It seems so simple. I do my mediation, and do my herbals, for me its keeping up with my yoga and doing the gentle pampering s of taking time that I forget. So for me, it was a foot scrub! I am either on my feet or using  my feet in my Thai yoga massage, and they sometimes yell for a nice foot scrub. So that's just what I did, a nice eucalyptus sugar scrub followed up with a tea tree lotion bar. My feet have been saying thank you all day. So...

Ways to stay cool all summer

Blueberry Nettle Tea With the summer heat in the high 80's to 90's, it's hot out their. At Metta Wellness I look to Ayurveda for tips on staying cool during the summer heat. This summer has been one for looking at many tools to keep cool since we are not accustom to the heat for the amount of time we have had this summer. Even for me, loving this heat, I had to go to some of my cooling tips from Ayurveda. So, let me share with you some of the ways that I have stayed cool this summer:   Coconut oil , apply coconut oil to my feet and face to keep the skin hydrated and cool. You could add in some essential oils to bring in a calming effect. Blueberry nettle tea : this tea is refreshing and energizing tea. I like to  make this tea, let it set at room temperature then add in frozen blueberries to keep the tea cool, not cold. I will switch this out with hibiscus cooler , just as cooling. Earthing, this is one I like to do in the late morning or early in the evening ...

# 01 Self Care

Creating space for self care, connecting to your true self, simply being present. These are just some of the benefits of meditation, and the focus here at Metta Wellness . Invest in your self, taking time for self care like mediation is investing in your future.  We hear so much about stress, auto immune disorders, chronic fatigue, due to the modern lifestyle. This is where doing some self care is key to your long term health. Start your self care off with a guided mediation here at Metta Wellness! Join our classes or book a one on one mediation to get started on your self care.