It just had this happen this week. My client came in, we were talking about self-care, I had suggested that she take some time and do something nice for herself. The next afternoon, I had a client come in for a massage, when I asked her what brought her in, she said," My body was telling me this is what it needed". She took the time to listen to herself.
It seems so simple. I do my mediation, and do my herbals, for me its keeping up with my yoga and doing the gentle pampering s of taking time that I forget. So for me, it was a foot scrub! I am either on my feet or using my feet in my Thai yoga massage, and they sometimes yell for a nice foot scrub.
So that's just what I did, a nice eucalyptus sugar scrub followed up with a tea tree lotion bar. My feet have been saying thank you all day.
So, what is your body saying? Take time listen your self, and do your self-care.
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