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Ways to stay cool all summer

Blueberry Nettle Tea

With the summer heat in the high 80's to 90's, it's hot out their.

At Metta Wellness I look to Ayurveda for tips on staying cool during the summer heat.
This summer has been one for looking at many tools to keep cool since we are not accustom to the heat for the amount of time we have had this summer. Even for me, loving this heat, I had to go to some of my cooling tips from Ayurveda.

So, let me share with you some of the ways that I have stayed cool this summer:
  •  Coconut oil, apply coconut oil to my feet and face to keep the skin hydrated and cool. You could add in some essential oils to bring in a calming effect.
  • Blueberry nettle tea: this tea is refreshing and energizing tea. I like to  make this tea, let it set at room temperature then add in frozen blueberries to keep the tea cool, not cold. I will switch this out with hibiscus cooler, just as cooling.
  • Earthing, this is one I like to do in the late morning or early in the evening before the bugs take over. Earthing is simply a way to reconnect and stay grounded and when the temperatures get hot, we need to stay calm and grounded. Earthing is simply being outside, a nice grassy shaded spot is perfect, take your shoes off and let yourself connect with the earth.
  • Light cooling foods,sounds easy! But with cookouts and summer parties, not as easy. Breads, fried foods and sorry, yes beer are all heating. So planning is key, having light easy foods most of the time, then enjoy when you have your cookouts, parties, etc.
Enjoy the summer, check in with your self care and stay cool! You can always add in a massage with coconut oil and add in peppermint to keep your cool at Metta Wellness!


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