You hear this from me a lot, take time for yourself. So have you? With our schedules so busy, and the feeling of having to get everything done, its a wonder we forget to stop and take time for ourselves.
I shared some easy recipes with you this week and some ideas of dry brushing as I have focused on self, and getting ready for spring, and spring allergies. At Metta Spa, Ayurveda is the controlling factor of my space, how we eat, sleep, exercise, and so on, so my goal is to share with you every week easy tips to add into your daily life to find balance.
So as we go off for this long weekend, many of you will have Good Friday off along with Easter Monday, so I am sharing a real easy wake your skin up recipe. We found this one to work great is you make it the night before and use it in the morning.
Wake Up Coffee Facial:
1/3 cup base oil, almond,sesame or coconut
1 tsp organic honey
1 1/2 tsp coffee grounds(use the ones from your morning coffee)
Add everything together and mix, you can add essential oils to this also, like lemon,wild orange grapefruit all good for uplifting.
Gently exfoliate with the coffee scrub, add more oil if needed. Play around with the essential oils, enjoy the different smells and feelings that they can bring.
Pick the base oil that is right for you , if you need cooling go with coconut, relaxing or balanced go with sesame, if your skin is dry try the almond oil.
You can't go wrong when you take the time for yourself..So weather it's coming in for an Ayurvedic treatment, creating something good to eat in the kitchen or just going for a walk, take time for yourself.
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