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Showing posts from August, 2015

Caring for yourself in the Summer Travels

As we come to the end of another month, summer will quickly come to an end. Now is a great time to sneak away and take those last minute trips. Take your time when planning your trip, or just a day to sneak away and pack a few self care items. Look ahead at your journey, are you spending time outside,  will you be in the car for long hours sitting or driving. are you staying at a friends house, rental or hotel are their potential allergens , such as a pet do or environmental differences from your own space. Taking just a few minutes and looking at a few simple questions, you can then plan your travel care packet for your trip.As you have seen in the past month, I pack my herbal teas, allergy oils, cold capsules, and magnesium lotion. I am packing for my trip now, and looking at the fact that I will be camping, hiking and harvesting herbs, I will make sure I have my care packet supplied with herbal bug spray, anti itch stick and immune boosting teas to help with m...

Yes, I'm packing my Massage Oils

Yes, as I'm checking my dates, and looking at kids getting back to school, I too am sneaking away for a relaxing journey. This year is going to be a year of great changes and movement at Metta Wellness as well as at home.On the work front, I am teaching more,doing Herbal Consults and working on bringing you herbal products for your everyday along with seasonal changes( and yes specialized massage oils for balance). At home we have kids getting ready to go back to school from wrapping up college to starting high school, this is a big year. So, balance is in need. Now as I have picked my dates for my journey, planning my road trip with AAA, setting up a dog sitter, I also make sure I have my travel kit. As I pack, I add in my herbal teas( a great allergy defense tea and my stress tamer tea) magnesium lotion along with my personal dosha oil. For me, my dosha oil is a blend of vata and pitta, to cool , center and ground, this helps balance my system (which when we travel can e...

Healthy summer Travels

As we pack up our cars, or check in at baggage claim, this is the time of the year most of try to fit in any last minute travel plans.This year lets take a few minutes and do a little self check, how are you feeling, is their any stress or anxiety with this trip, did you pack a self care kit? For me, I love to travel, to take a journey, weather it is back home( I'm from a small southern town) or somewhere I have never been (India). When I pack, I pack a self care kit, yes, with things that I know will make my trip a little smoother. Last week I shared with  you my love for packing my tea jar, I went for a weekend away last month, and it was so nice to get back to our hotel room and their on the counter was my tea, waiting.This week I will share another life saver -I pack in my kit, night lotion. Like most people, I struggle to fall asleep, and when I travel I find it to be harder, so I have a this magnesium lotion that I bring, and just rub some into my legs at night, and it...

Ebb and Flow

Welcome August! For most of us, this is the end of the summer vacations, kids getting ready for school, heading off to college for the first time, back to our routines and schedules. For me, work will slow down in the massage side of things this month, while vacations are at hand, but will be busy with the herbal side, drying and prepping for oils and salves. I also use this time to sneak away and plan some space to rejuvenate and reflect before the winter comes in. As we have these times of ebb and flow, we forget to take care of our selves, and a little planning will go a long way to make this time run smooth. So as you are planning those last minute beach days, or sneaking in a road trip, think about self care. Throughout the month of August, each week we will find ways to plan, pack and stay healthy while on these end of summer journeys. For me, I love my herbal teas, so before a trip I will blend a tea - if it's a day trip I will make it and have it ready t...