Yes, as I'm checking my dates, and looking at kids getting back to school, I too am sneaking away for a relaxing journey.
This year is going to be a year of great changes and movement at Metta Wellness as well as at home.On the work front, I am teaching more,doing Herbal Consults and working on bringing you herbal products for your everyday along with seasonal changes( and yes specialized massage oils for balance). At home we have kids getting ready to go back to school from wrapping up college to starting high school, this is a big year. So, balance is in need.
Now as I have picked my dates for my journey, planning my road trip with AAA, setting up a dog sitter, I also make sure I have my travel kit. As I pack, I add in my herbal teas( a great allergy defense tea and my stress tamer tea) magnesium lotion along with my personal dosha oil.
For me, my dosha oil is a blend of vata and pitta, to cool , center and ground, this helps balance my system (which when we travel can easily go out of balance). I also find when I travel my skin can get dry easily, so a good oil can help.
So, when your putting your travel kit together, take some time, check in with yourself, do you need an oil for grounding, uplifting, or maybe a sinus oil, I put mine into a small roller bottle and I'm good to go.
Metta Wellness carries dosha oils, or I can personalize your oil for you, email for more information about creating your own travel oil or kit.
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