As we welcome in the New Year, lets take a moment to reflect and be grateful for the space we hold. This has been a year of ups and downs, learning, growing and as always many changes. Most of us start off our new year with many plans to get in shape, eat healthy or make some financial changes, this year will be no different. So as we start to plan out our big ideas and all we want to do this year, think healthy, setting a realistic, wellness routine( yes a routine). Setting up wellness routine helps create a balance and pattern for your daily life in the short term and long term goals. Now where do we start: Simple: yes, start simple: look at what your goal or focus is for this year, and start off by adding a little at a time into your routine. This year I'm focused on my wellness routine, I've started with looking at what I do now and what areas I need to work on. Review the patterns, or routine you have set up now. What can you chang...
Metta Wellness is all about my love of Ayurveda,massage, herbs,meditation and bringing them all to you in a holistic space.Over the years that I have been working, learning and growing, the one that always stands out is the importance of touch.Touch can help heal the body, relax the mind, and balance the body's natural immune response. Adding a few simple things such as herbs, or heat, maybe meditation, then you take your journey for healing to a new space.