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Showing posts from 2017

Take time for Peace

This is a very busy time of the year for most of us. Family, friends work parties, busy schedules and not enough time for everything! Most of us go though a feeling of some stress during this time of the year. Lets refocus, and find a space that we can breath, relax and find some peace during this time of the year. One of the ways that I like to find peace in this time of the year is to step back and look at things from a new light. Everything in our life moves so fast, taking a few minutes to just look at the big picture,take a breath, we all do the best we can. This is the same, you may not make every holiday party, or have every gift that you wanted to give, but you have your self, your family. This is for me a simple way to breath in, breath out and be thankful,at peace. Being peaceful in the your space, in your presence will give a vibe that carries out past you to others, being a part of peace on earth. Wishing you peace on earth this season.

Morning Mediation

Good Morning! Yes, starting the day with pranayama then meditation is my key to moving through this hectic world in a calm peace. When I work with my clients I am always looking at ways to find balance in the busy life we live. Starting your day off with pranayama( breathing technique) then into a mediation to start out in the day ready for everything. My meditation is the mantra, So Hum, as I sit and relax, I breath in So out Hum and find myself settling in, the energy balancing out and the thoughts and worries floating away. Find the way to start your day, creating an open space to relax and breath.


Waking up, feeling energy, openness, clear breath and a calm mind. I have found over the years that a routine, a practice of pranayama and meditation helps me prepare for the day ahead and be able to move through this world without feeling the weight from outside stress. Start by setting some time aside every morning to focus on you, on waking and entering into this space in a calm open breath.  What is pranayama? Simply, paranayam is a breathing practice, in this you open the airway allowing for a clear mind, stronger energy and a balance of the spirit with an opening of the third eye.Their are many different kinds of pranayama, try a few and find one that fits your needs, your routine your body - mind. For me I have found the Mrigi Mudra( deer-seal ) breathing to connect for me, it was also one of the first techniques I had learned when I started out in Ayurveda. Mrigi Mudra: it is an alternating breath pattern. Sitting comfortably, bringing the right hand into a relaxe...

Breath, Meditate and stay Calm

Fall is here, and so are the Holidays. With the holidays comes family gatherings, work parties,busy stores and change of food and drink. This time of the year can be exciting, and fun, but can be tiring and somewhat stressful on the body. This is where taking some time for yourself daily can help. The last few months I have been going to and part of conferences all related to self care, meditation, massage, yoga all to keep the mind and body relaxed, lowering the stress response. Stress is a part of our daily life, it can be the thing that pushes you to work harder to change your lifestyle, but it can also be causing you stagnation.Feeling heavy, or disconnected from self, family, or work can be signs of imbalance due to a build up of stress. Their are many ways to bring the balance in and calm the system. Starting with the breath is a quick and easy way to feel the body reboot and see the calming of the system in a short time. When I am teaching, working with a client o...

Finding Balance

Finding Balance Life can be hard, and finding balance can be a challenge some days. For me finding peace, finding time to meditate and checking in with healthy eating. I struggle some days, with the news of violence, devastation from natural disasters and the anger we seem to have towards each other are heart breaking. How do you find balance in a world in chaos? I am no different then anyone else, I have work, kids a partner, our home, all need attention. So how do I find balance? Everyday, everywhere we can find simple signs of gentle loving and carry. Adjusting the way I look at things. When we look at everything with an eye of clear, calm and caring, we see things in a different light. This has for me been the best way to bring in a balance, it removes the frustration and anger and replaces with a heart felt appreciation for everything around me. Looking at my world through the eyes of positive light, allows me to take the time to give to my family, time to meditate ...

It's my passion!

When you start out in the work world, you just never know where you may end up. I was lucky to find what I love, go to school for it, find a job and now my work my passion are the same. I would tell you, it was not an easy start, many hours looking at the phone, working on web sites, finding the right fit of massage, energy balance and marketing myself. It took time to see how it would work and if I could make it work. Their is nothing better then working with a client and seeing them get some relief, whether it's through the massage, meditation or finding a balance in their routine. Massage can do all this, it relaxes the body, brings relief to the muscles and calms the mind body connection. It is also the perfect companion to your wellness routine, helping strengthen the immune system over time. For me, learning ways to work with many different clients, understanding the mind body connection and working with my clients to find balance is so rewarding. I know that when I a...

Find the massage for you

Body image. Almost everybody has something about their body that they don’t like. For many people it’s a minor issue, no big deal. But some people have a major issue with their body image. It affects how they live and their happiness. When I tell some people that I’m a massage therapist it can cause a strong reaction. They tell me, whether verbally or through their reaction and body language, that massage is not for them.  The paradox here is that massage can really help with body image issues. In massage school we were all nervous about taking off our clothes and letting somebody else touch us. It didn’t take long for us to discover that bodies are just bodies and become much more comfortable with our own. We also experienced how good receiving a massage made us feel. Something unexpected happened – when our bodies felt better we felt better about our bodies. I think there are  options to consider. 1. Don’t get a massage, nothing changes This is the easiest because...
 Creating a wellness routine starts with you, If you have ever wondered about herbal teas,Thai yoga,or how to add or balance your routine, an herbal consult is a great starting point. Herbal consults are a great way to check in with yourself. We will look at your health history, wellness goals, lifestyle,then at some herbs that may work well for you. At the end of the consult I will email you what we went over and the suggestions that we talked about. You can order your herbs, could be tea, oils, ghee blends from me. Lets set your wellness goals and personalize your herbal kit. Balance inside your routine is the focus at Metta Wellness. Keep reading: Herbal Wellness

Pain Management with Meditation

Study after study is showing that mediation effects pain. This past May the International Ayurveda & Yoga(internal yoga - meditation) Convention was dedicated to pain management, research and what we can do. Lets take a quick overview of what meditation does.         Simply put, mediation help calm the signals to the brain, thus allow the system to calm, over time the body slows down on the signals of "fight or flight", in return decreasing the inflammation the the body. Over time as the inflammation decreases, the pain signals are less and you are able to lower or deal with the pain easier.These results are noticeable in the first few weeks, months, and then after two years of practice. This research shows that over time, adding this into your healing routine builds up the benefits. So how does this connect with massage?          During a relaxation massage your body mind connection is settling, or c...

Time to Awaken, Revive!

Time to Awaken, Revive... Yes, another month is coming to an end, and we soon enter into a space and time of seasonal change, a cleanse in the air, dampness as the ground is melting and spring arrives. We have changed back the clocks and entered into spring, and it's time to cleanse the body and balance the mind. In Ayurveda we look at the seasons, and our body type, and how we can balance through change. I love this time of the year, listen in to the body, doing a gentle cleanse, stepping back into my meditation, can give you an open feeling, a lighter, free yet grounded and balanced. As I take time this month to walk outside, breath and meditate in the fresh  spring air, I feel awake, I feel revived. I will see you outside, in the fresh air, with a calm meditation. Join me for Guided Meditations, a simple way to settle into your space before your massage at Metta Wellness.

Inflammation and Massage

Inflammation seems to be the word right now. Everywhere you look or read you will hear about inflammation, even radio commercials now are reminding you that you have inflammation. So how does inflammation and massage connect? When I work with my clients the focus is the whole person as an individual,what is the goal, and what is the approach for each person. Lets set up the scene, the space that you could walk into and how massage and herbs can work with you and inflammation.               I have a client, Sara, she's married with two young children, works full time and is coming in for massage for headaches and low back pain. After talking more with Sara we find that her digestion is sluggish, and she has difficulty loosing weight, and feels overwhelmed,tired.              You can start by looking at our lifestyles, working, eating habits, time in front of computers, longer commute...

Herbal Wellness

Metta Wellness Herbals As my clients, family and friends know, I am passionate about my "work". I say work, because this is how I make my living, so I have found my love, my passion and I'm able to support myself and my family. This is a win - win! I started this journey towards holistic healing, herbal wellness as a child. From day on I had medical issues, but my parents never allowed it to be what made my everyday, they worked to treat me as if I was as healthy as any other kid. They surrounded us with people that where very clearly into the holistic approach, you know those people we call "hippies:, that was our people, our tribe. Growing up in a house where we ate from our garden, and played outside from sun up to sun down, and when we where sick, it was food and herbs that we went to for help, not Drs( let me note here that we always went to western Dr when it was necessary, and learned to respect the medical world for what it is and what it offers). The ...

Welcome March

I find March to be refreshing with the weather slowly changing, the days getting longer we start to prepare for spring. With spring comes, a spring cleanse. Preparing for a spring cleanse takes time and with a little prep work ahead of time you can enjoy a gentle cleanse with a lighter feeling, stronger immune system, better sleep and a better transsion to spring. Pre and post cleanse is just as important as the cleanse. Setting yourself up with a gentle pre and post cleanse will help you get the most from your cleanse and help make the cleanse easier, emotionally and physically. So let's take the time to organize ourselves as we prepare for a pre and post cleanse. For me, if you are going to take the time for a cleanse,why not do the full pre and post cleanse. So as I set here finishing up this blog,  getting the instructions printed out,teas blended, and kits labeled and ready for my cleanse kits, I encourage you to look at your cleanse. Take time for your self, take ...

Massage for the Immune System

During the long winter months, hot dry summers, day to day of bills, work, family life, we take from our immune system. Some of us go through life with limited stress, or a relaxed view and have found a way to work with our environments.Stress is not always a bad thing, some stress comes from change, or a new job, moving into a new home. Wherever the stresses come in, they can take a toll from the body, so learning, or having ways to calm and relax the mind body will help how you approach stress. Stress over time is packed away in the body and without ways to relax(some of us it is our personality are calming) it can build up over time. This build up can come out through headaches, constipation, anger, sleep issues and overtime create autoimmune issues. My work brings me to a space that I can share meditation,massage, Ayurvedic herbs , Ayurvedic body-work and Thai massage with my clients. Learning together and working towards a wellness goal is such a powerful way to focus on bal...

Learn from your History!

This is the time of year that we look at our past and set our New Intentions. Take time to learn from your past, as we move forward into the new year. I have taken this past week to reflect on this past year, what I have learned, what has moved and changed in my space, and what I would like to do in this new year. I find this time of the year easy and difficult for myself and for a lot of people around me. We are coming down from the high of the energy of the holiday, and looking at this past year and most are feeling overwhelmed. Lets reflect in a new light this year.. Take a look back at this past year, what can you learn, what have you learned from it, and what can you take into this new year. In this new year, lets learn, grow and move forward together.